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"The idea for this series first came to me in October 2014. At the time, I was working at a bank and pursuing law enforcement. I was experiencing a shift in spirituality when inspiration struck. I thought to myself, What can I create that I haven't read before? How can I stand out? Ideas swam around in my head, each one more appealing than the last. I quickly scribbled them down so as not to forget. As time went on, life got in the way and my writing was pushed to the side, but the story stayed close-by, tickling my mind to grab my attention.


It wasn't until November 2015 that I really focused on the story. Having a conversation with my brother, Rudy, it became clear to me that I was standing in my own way and preventing myself from seeing my dream come true: publishing a book. And so, I created a publishing company, Eula Rae Printing & Publishing, and set to work, writing each day. I plucked the ideas from my head, forming a more solid concept and story until Awakening was born. I set a goal of having the story completed and published by February/March of 2016.


Life had a different plan of course, and in January 2016, I was diagnosed with diffused large b-cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Faced with this new obstacle, my writing, once again, was put on hold. This strain of Lymphoma is extremely aggressive which resulted in an equally aggressive treatment. In the middle of it I decided to pull out my notebook and keep writing--I was so close to finishing, I had to push through. Should something happen, and I had to go before my time, I wouldn't be satisfied knowing that I didn't achieve my goal of publishing my story. I finally completed Awakening in August 2016, only weeks after my last treatment. With the cover completed, and final edits done, Awakening was introduced to the world in October 2016, just in time for the Halloween season.


I am so excited to embark on this new journey as a published author, and thank everyone for the support they've shown (and continue to) show me!"


-Tiera Rice, 20 November 2016



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