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It's Been a While...

Clearly, I need to work on doing this more frequently. But I'm a single mom of a 7 month old, so I think I can get a pass lol.

As we all know, writing has been a favorite pass time of mine for as long as I can remember. My colleague gave me a journal for the holidays and I wrote her a thank you letter, to which she said it was "eloquent".

I gave my manager a card and she told me my words were "heartfelt".

I pretty much have a way with words...which I know. I've always been able to better express myself on paper. I've decided to really REALLY go for it and do whatever it takes to become a successful self-published author. I know there may be challenges but writing is something I'm passionate about. I CAN and WILL do this.

I'll be focusing more on ebooks because that has sky-rocketed. What can I do to get my audience hooked?? I know I want to focus on sci-fi or erotica, but I want to have a few things completed so there won't be too much lag time between releases.

I went through all my old pieces that I still have and found some promising ones that I think will make great stories. One was a dream that I had. Then I found a series of pictures I drew of a girl from birth to graduation, called The Girl in the Hallway. I don't really have too much of a story for it yet but I will definitely come up with one. And then, of course, there's the one where Raven is my main character :) (for those who don't know, Raevyn is my daughter's name.) I have to finish these.

But I found some from when I was even younger! Incomplete mysteries. Since I didn't make a plan, I have no idea where I was going with them. Maybe those could be my children's books??

I need to create a series (or 2 or 3) because that (to me) is any easier way to keep readers coming back. If they're like me, losing themselves in the lives of the protagonist, they'll be looking forward to the sequel. I'm excited!

I need to get to work.

The first step is for me to catch up on my journals. Even if I feel like there's nothing to write, just keep writing anyway to keep my creative juices flowing. (I need to do that with my blog!) Keep scribbling...throwing ideas on the page and something will definitely come of it.

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